I walked into the Barry house a little early for dinner, and out back the ball game was in full swing. It was the kind of game that I can watch for ever, because it reminds me of the games of my youth with my brother Tommy, Steve Gianino, the Youngs, John Allen, Alex Failoni (before he was a famous singer) and so many others. We would play for ever, every day. The Barry game was much the same with the two brothers best friends and arch rivals. Was it a forceout? Arguing over rules, and tempting that throw, sliding into home, and just laughing.
I walked into the kitchen and saw Mary Grace preparing dinner (Cathy was there also). She told me proudly that she made the dip. Soon many friends were there and the burgers were grilled.
Watching Mike grill, we now had a front row seat for the ball game. We had moved to field boxes from our earlier bleacher seats. We saw each new kid instantly join a team and bat, some neighbor kids left, some came. The game continued with each kid getting a chance to shine, the littler ones somehow never made an out. And came giggling home on each "home run".
The night was a wonderful time with old friends, and I am astounded by your generosity. I hope you know that. You will all get wonderful thank-you cards, but I am waiting to give them an Ugandan touch.
But here is my final thought, imagine if you will. That the Barry's back yard stretches a long, long way. It stretches long enough that every child gets a chance to play in a game, where the other players "allow" them the dream of a home run, and kids just enjoy being kids and playing forever. It stretches to the streets of Biloxi, and across oceans to the village of Gulu. So that is the gift you gave me on Friday. That ideal about stretching that yard. I will do my best to share your yard, your generosity, and the wonderful example of your children with the Acholi kids and their friends.
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