Walk to Atanga SS

Walk to Atanga SS

Monday, June 30, 2008

Euro Cup 2008

So since it was Sunday night, and most of us needed a break we decided to get together at the Kope Cafe (translation No Problems Cafe) and watch "Charlie Wilson's War" that I had brought with me and finally got to see after buying it 3 months ago. Danielle, Amy, and Catherine had it all set up with individual bags of popcorn and g-nuts. It was a nice way to just relax, but it was kind of weird ending the night by walking into the streets and realizing we were still in Gulu.
About 7 of us decided to go watch the Euro Cup 2008 (it is huge here), we went to the KSP which is an Indian restaurant and Hotel. Kyle, Sarah, and I went on the roof and had beers while overlooking Gulu. We did not have an opener so I found a steel edge to a table and popped them off by banging the heel of my hand into the crown (that one's for you Frankie). Kyle went down for the start of the game, but Sarah and I waited to finish our beers. Then Sarah, said "Oh, no, we are going to walk in front of the screen to sit down." Just when we got there, there was a goal kick so I said, "Go now!" The almost entire Ugandan audience rolled in laughter as a giant MuuNuu all of a sudden appeared and danced by their screen. That was only to be the second best laughter of the night. I have already met several people who remember me from last year. Including Bob or Gob who finally remembered we have been on the same airplane from Dubai to Entebbe last year ! I met Chris again, who I shared the pop-up mutatu on our Safari last year with Wendy and Chris' wife and child. Chris had called and asked where we were going to watch the Euro Cup as he is in town with about 8 Northwestern students. After 3 minutes of sitting down, I saw white people behind me and turned sharply to see if it was Chris. Well, my chair snapped in about 12 places with a rat-a-tat-tat and I was soon on the floor amidst a broken plastic chair. The security guard ran in from the street to see what the noise was. The Acholi crowd were silent, until my American colleagues busted into laughter and soon the whole place was rocking with laughs as people were united in laughter.
"Fat man in a little chair........."



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