Walk to Atanga SS

Walk to Atanga SS

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

62 cents haircut

My friend, John, the logistics officer at IC. Also the same John I grilled with and the one who beat me in Risk II told me about his Gulu Barber. He said next time he got a haircut he would take me with him. As I was walking down the road to Pece, away from Pece, I heard someone call John. I turned quickly (almost getting down by a boda boda driver) and saw John at a small barber shack. Next thing I knew I was getting my hairs cut (you all know the joke) at an Acholi Barber den. It was quite the experience, at lasted quite a bit longer than my usual Great Clips cut. He used three different razors, shaved my forehead ("There are some little white hairs here, Sir."). Mixed some kind of gel with water, heated the water in a small coffee pot. He only had two outlets so he had to plug and unplug constantly during the 25 minutes. And finally the best part. The cost was 1000/= which translates too, .......yeah I already know you saw the title......just act surprised.......62 cents. Surpassing my old record, by more than 2 dollars (not counting the free mohawk the 26-0 superstars gave me). This morning we had eight straight classes. 3 double periods and 2 single periods (we taught from 740 am until 120 pm) with only 20 minutes for tea. Afterwards, I decided Henry needed something more than posho and beans so I treated him to lunch at Maq Foods. They have a beef lasagna (they spell it beef lasagnia) that is quickly prepared and is close to an American dish. Henry really seemed to like it, which is surprising because most of the time the Acholi do not like the American food. If you are Patti P. please read the comments on the last post, and e-mail me how I can check up on Connor's progress this summer. If you are Frank H. reply to my e-mail. If it's anyone else, I am at the ball game and tomorrow if it don't rain, I will be fishing, and ps if this is Austin I still love you.


1 comment:

Matt Barry said...


Curious to know what the barber would charge to color your hair blonde, green or orange (or any of the other colors you have had in the past!)

Hope all is well and take care.

Matt Barry