It is amazing every year, that I run into the most amazing people in Uganda. People I would have never met or talked to in America are propelled into my world. It is one of the blessings in my life that each year the most amazing and talented people I am allowed to call my friend for some few weeks. So here is my tribute to a few of them. As the "old man" on the trip, I am also allowed to see the future for this wonderful group.
Lauren, the "Wildwood Gangsta" is an amazing person. She is a wonderfully talented, wonderfully committed young women. She is super bright, but carries her knowledge in a real unassuming way. She is a tall, striking young woman who still does not know what to do with her beauty, so she strives to hide it with goofy facial expressions. She will know now that the goofy faces just enhance who she is, and if the men in group 2 are any indication, she has done a poor job of hiding the phenomenal woman she is. One of my number one goals I have when I get back is to find her a job that fits her talents. I am truly excited that we will get a chance to share a beer in the bleachers cheering for our beloved Cardinals. (Before anyone gets the wrong idea all of these phenomenal people in this blog are too young for me. I believe in the rule of 7 and currently that minimun is 32). Lauren has overcome many small fears to give her best to my beloved Awere SS for five weeks and myself and the students of Awere are extremely grateful. I ran into 3 girls on the street the other day, who were talking highly of Lauren and wishing her to stay.
Abby is an obnoxious little one who really just grows more annoying with time. JKJK. She does insist on calling me "old man" though, which actually I am going to miss as she travels back to hollow tree she lives in in America (ha, Abby that's two). Abby has the heart and zest of a person much taller than she is (three if we are counting). She has an incredible feel for the world and truly understands what beauty is, when she sees it or more specifically when she hears it. She forms friendship easily, and has the loyalty of a boy scout, (are girl scouts loyal?). I think she would fight real hard for any of her friends, and I appreciate her smile. And as the Nerinx students know, I have a special place in my heart for the obnoxious ones.
Lisa is an amazing artist, and I hope all of you who have not yet bought her tunes go immediately to iTunes and buy her stuff (Lisa Swetman). I am serious about booking her for a private concert in St. Louis for a benefit concert. Since she plays the piano, I am actually thinking of getting Jole Blon to play before her. Do you hear that Julie? Anyway, although I am mystified and in a better place listening to Lisa the artist. I have recently seen a lot of the incredible person she is. She has an amazing rudder, that keeps her centered as we all float along. While many others bounce from shore to shore, Lisa stays in contact with them, as she cruises effortlessly down the middle of the river. She has a smile that can make a 29 year old Rhode Island kid smile as easily as a 50 year old St. Louis guy and I don't even want to talk about the twinkle that she gets from the Irish. So with this amazing rudder, I am concerned that there will not be enough darkness in her life, that she will continue to write amazing music. Lisa easily saw through the subtrefuge last night, and there was no great song about me cheating with her best friend.
There are like 6 more of these amazing people, but I will have to save that for another day.
To all you amazing people who have captivated and transformed my life, I salute you. When times are tough over here (and this year has been the toughest). I just sit back and remember who I am representing with my presence here. Especially the students, you continue to thrill me, and give me a reason and a smile to begin each day,
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