Walk to Atanga SS
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
No Atanga SS for Invisible Children Teacher Exchange in 2010
Details are sketchy, but their has been violence between students and the faculy... It is with a heavy heart that I ate dinner tonight.....I so wanted my colleagues to experience the wonders of Atanga.
So many bright 16 and 17 year olds throughout the world, are so close to being something ( bright young man and bright young woman). And are just a small step from greatness and then anger and passion negate rational thought and realistic plans about their future...
First Night, First Day in Gulu
Now imagine that it takes 3 different planes, 3 different continents and a 5 hour ride to reach these friends. You can imagine my excitement upon arriving here. My new friends in Group I and of course, Lisa and Lindsay, were waiting inside a metal gate as we arrived. There were cheering and carrying on, when one of them saw half of my body through the gate and said, "Here comes big John!" It was a special time. I have only talked briefly with the Group 1 teachers, but they seem like incredible and kind people. So good news there.
When our business was over last night...Money, Jen, Raysa, Colleen, and I walked all the way into town.... Due to bad rumors Da Pub was open !!! The Nile Special a pint of super African business cost 2000/= or in American dollars about 88 cents. We had two beers and then began the long walk home. We decided that Colleen's first boda boda ride should not be in the dark. ON the walk home, a motor bike came up on us, and the driver said, "I want the large white man." Approximately 1.5 seconds later I heard the distinctive laughter of my friend Aliker David Martin whom I have known since 2007 and the first trip...
A great start....
feel free to comment.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
What if it is only 1, and not the other 51???
What if imagination and art are not frosting at all, but the fountainhead of human experience? (Rollo May)
I am trying to think about where I first saw this quote? I think it might have been at a little club watching a women singing Edith Piaf songs in French...only Frank and Mary Hellwig could have found this place.
Also, I went to River City Casino with my brother, Tom, who stated the obvious about a game called Let It Ride, "This game you just try to break even until you hit one big hand."
What if our lives are like that, what if we are not judged on 51 weeks of the year, but instead just judged on the best week of each year? It is an interesting premise to contemplate.
I will be forever grateful to Father Christopher for an incredible act of kindness and understanding. He found me wandering between the school and the church on the morning that Matt Espiritu died. I was lost, looking for answers when there were none. What are the answers for a young man dying from an
awful disease? Maybe just a part of all tragedies, is to see beauty and kindness better. I saw it from Father Christoper that one day, in that one hour....and I remember it today.
So, I had the incredible experience of facilitating a trip to Biloxi for 97 wonderful young women. There were great moms, great dads, and great friends on this trip, but this entry is not about them. It is about Livia, and Sam and Megan, and Haley, and Emily, and Kate, and Brittany ....
If these 97 are to be judged in 2010, not by the sum of their existence, but the beauty and the kindness that the spread to the people of Mississippi and especially the residents of the Back Bay, then they have shined. They have really shined. (They hit that straight flush for Let It Ride fans). And in each of the 97 cases they used their talents in slightly different ways to be amazing. For Livia, the sophomore, her greatness was framed by just an untireless effort to the mundane awful work in front of her -- pulling weeds, but not just weeds, bamboo. For Sam and Megan, the college students, it was their wonderful way of tirelessly cooking for 126 people and adding special extra touches to every bite of food (only read this parenthetical thought, if you are not Sam and Megan -- the cooking is not really important, being a living example of humility with their lives, is what they really gave to the younger students. For a whole week, it was about giving before the received, loving before they received love in return, and it is always these small acts of humility that raise us all as a group of 126, or a community of 650 +).
Of course, I could write about all 97, and I will in a different time and a different place. But if Annie Gerker and Emily Marshall are judged by their week, their always smiling guidance and patience were always there. If you are a Nerinx student who was touched by these 2 or others, remember a simple facebook shoutout is always a great idea.
Kate, and Haley, and Jaime, and Brittany, and Lauren I will remember for their commitment to laughter and to being dorks. How can others not want to look up to such wonderfully goofy people and how can you not think of these 4 and not smile. The goofiness they share with so many is not their only story. There is never a time where they are not also doing the work of painting and scraping and building. So if these students are to be judged by this week, they receive a perfect score and of course they answered the bonus question correctly.
For Diablo, Baba, and Blampf!! that bonus question was an hour visit where age and distance melted away, and became just the conversation between 4 old friends. Proving in the laughter, the tears and the hugs, ( and watching Toby Keith chase after a ball) that we always have something to share with others. And strangers are always friends that we have just not met.
For Amelia, an amazing young woman who endures more Mr. Magee humor than any mortal should be allowed to suffer through...(I don't know who wrote that last line, I am funny)...she shined in her week by always being there when I needed help, when I needed organization.....
and for other 90+, you were never a footnote...although you are today...at 7:30 am after 3 hours of sleep, in the middle of Uganda, the names above had their own stories...if I had slept 15 more minutes... I would have stories about 10 others.. I would have talked about Maggie Hummel always smiling or Anna Chott being the master builder, or the pride and unique style in which Emily Horner took over a bathroom and refused to leave......
and so you see this story is actually about all of you... and half a world away my eyes fill with tears, because I am truly blessed to be your teacher, and your amazing talents and kindness for our world tell me that all good things are possible .... with effort, with laughter, and with 107.1 the Monkey playing in the background.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Technology Half a World Away...
from anywhere in the country).....
and as soon as I got this 2 year problems solved.....
I cannot hear from my phone, so.........
Not much to report yet, so hopefully will write some more interesting news
All is well in Kampala, if you do not mind your phone not working....
Soccer Hooligans and Kampala
It is so good to see, friends again in Uganda, James the taxi man--and my small young smiley women at Backpackers...
Everyone reached safe and sound, although at one time we thought we lost a passport, and a bag...
All is well.
Saw the mini-changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace....tried to get into a pub to see England-Germany, but could only get in an Italian restaurant... It looked like there was going to be some mayhem in the streets...
with the boys singing....
There were 10 German bombers in the air
There were 10 German bombers in the air
There were 10 German bombers
10 German bombers
10 German bombers in the air
And the RAF From England shot one down
And the RAF From England shot one down
And the RAF From England.
RAF From England
The RAF From England shot one down
There were 9 German bombers in the air......
And so on.
you get the drift.