I was like a proud father on the way to Gulu... Telling my old friend Michelle and 2 new teacher exchange participants how much they would like Atanga SS and its students. I just found out tonight that this is not going to happen...
Details are sketchy, but their has been violence between students and the faculy... It is with a heavy heart that I ate dinner tonight.....I so wanted my colleagues to experience the wonders of Atanga.
So many bright 16 and 17 year olds throughout the world, are so close to being something ( bright young man and bright young woman). And are just a small step from greatness and then anger and passion negate rational thought and realistic plans about their future...
This is very unfortunate news. I have fond memories of working with both the staff and students at Atanga SS.
Don't give up - not happening this year doesn't mean it will never happen. Continued teaching, dialogue and prayer will bring peace - in God's time - not our time. Remember to be patient and keep doing all the good things that you are doing - many are working for the same good and it will happen. Keep posting!
Love you, Katie and all the Thiemanns
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