The pig picture at left was taken, by me holding my computer open in a slight drizzle to capture a 250 lb. pig that suddenly was next to my house, I left my camera in Gulu...but I wanted this picture...
The best picture of the day, which I may get a chance to upload tomorrow is me next to a R.O.U.S.
A good night, with an impromptu exam review session for S.1. students....
Of course, I twisted my knee like 5 times in the last week or so, so I am walking around school grounds like I am 75 years old...
I may lose internet (mobile internet) in an hour, so there may only be blogs on the weekends soon.
What is it with IC choosing neighbors that own massive pigs? We had one in La Mesa, too!
So you guys have internet in Anaka now? When did that happen? What else is different this year from last year?
I hope things are well for you John. Your cardinals are hanging in there, but my Phils just got Oswalt and we won 8 in a row? Here comes the Phitin's!!!!
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