Walk to Atanga SS

Walk to Atanga SS

Monday, April 27, 2009

Rescue -- St. Louis Style

I just want to thank all the young people I spent the night with under the Arch. You are truly amazing, and the words of encouragement I shared with you seemed more superfluous over the weekend as your amazing talents and personalities become more evident. Keep fighting for the smallest, the unheard, and the unseen. It is in our combined humanity to these forgotten folk that I think measures as a society and a generation.

I have high hopes for your generation, because each morning from Monday through Friday I am blessed to see your intelligence, kindness, and compassion. So share your kindness with the world and do not listen to the words of our cynics.

New Favorite Bumper Sticker: "Those who have abandoned their dreams, will discourage yours."

or a little Shel Silverstein,

Listen to the Mustn’ts

Listen to the MUSTN’TS, child,
Listen to the DON’TS
Listen to the SHOULDN’TS
Listen to the NEVER HAVES.
Then listen close to me -
Anything can happen, child,
ANYTHING can be.

-Shel Silverstein

p.s. It might be more enjoyable to read this blog, by going back to 2007 and reading it chronologically.