Walk to Atanga SS

Walk to Atanga SS

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

In praise of empowered women!!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
In praise of empowered women!!!
in the end, I have come back to my Africa blog, because that is the part of the world that has changed me the most...I cannot discount the story of Ronald Kwolyelo who cared so much about his education that he sprinted 20 km on a bicycle to try to earn himself a scholarship or how when he arrived spent and out of breath at Atanga SS there was his best friend Martin Liboso to switch places on the bike and now it was Martin's turn to sprint to the town center to get food for his friend Ronald, so they could both get back to Atanga for essentially an exam planning review.

You all the people on Facebook, my students, my family, and my friends, are my Martin Liboso.... You are my Martin Liboso... I just hope I can be Ronald to your undying support.

I just figured out, as any good math teacher would, that I have spent the last 35 out of 37 days doing my best for Nerinx...but it does not seem like a job or great accomplishment to me....when I am at a track meet or lacrosse match or soccer game I revel in who you are....what other job is there where I get to stand up and cheer for so many of your accomplishments?

so when you stand with me now... I am touched by your loyalty and devotion, but I am also so proud that you stood up...YELLED LOUDLY.... and let your voice be heard

God has allowed me to get up that mountain....and I have looked over ... and I may not get there with you. So I'm happy tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing anyone.. (because you my young amazing talented women have shown me the promised land....and mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord