Walk to Atanga SS

Walk to Atanga SS

Friday, July 27, 2007

New Post Tomorrow

Sorry to disappoint all those who have read this daily.
So there will be a longer post tomorrow,

and a couple of reflections with some perspective will happen next week.



also many new pictures

1 comment:

Mia said...

Dear John, Thank you For the sharing about humility. It is so missing these days. I am thinking about this in relationship to our relationship to God.I hope you continue to blog now that you have gotten home. I would like to know what your students will do and how you will use these experiences. I have been deeply moved by Lindsay, Hadley, and your writings. I hope to add my little push too.I homeschool my three children. But this year one goes to college, the youngest is home(in 3rd grade), but the middle one will be in 10th grade in a Christian high school. I thought I could try to bring the film to Fort Wayne and show it there. It is a small school grades K-12 with only about 80 people in high school.250 in the entire school) Hope to hear from you soon. If you do not blog, here is my email address, so maybe we can keep in touch. (ultralutra@aol.com)
Thanks, Mia Hines