Walk to Atanga SS

Walk to Atanga SS

Monday, July 13, 2009

Hold 'em and White Ants

Last night, I ran a hold'em tournament in our courtyard. Jo Mallory stayed in a hand with J3, hit a both on the flop and ran me out with my pair of queens and an ace kicker. Capt. Underwear won the tournament, but Jolene and Annie Q. held on until the end.

I was up trying to figure out a way to watch the Cardinals-Cubs game when I heard a flurry in the court yard. Thousands of white ants were back, they were all attacking the light in front of Matt's and Jon's room. A really great trick would have been to turn off the outside light and turn on the light in their room, but I was too tired or lazy.

If you can get the text to Obama's speech in Ghana--it is amazing. Especially the last 5 paragraphs, he really challenges the young Africans to take care of their future. Get on line and get the text to this speech. They printed the entire speech in the Ugandan paper. Although in the same paper, they have some other trash. And a 16 x 16 Moduku that actually did keep me up for a lot of the night.

In less than an hour, it is back to Atanga for the penultimate week. I used bad word processing programs at 3 different places to print a survey for their school. I am going to select students at random to complete the survey and then we will give it to the faculty next week.

Hope everyone has fun at the Home Run Derby and All-Star game. Since my grandpa Joe went in 1966, I have been waiting to go to this game. So I figure, I will have another chance in 2042, how scary is that thought.

will try to text my dad some mini-posts, but otherwise see you in a week

go cards,


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