Walk to Atanga SS

Walk to Atanga SS

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Walking with Hope

This morning, since I was getting a ride back to Gulu at the end of the day, I decided not to ride my bike. Read the previous post for more explanation. Anyway, halfway down on the journey, I met Hope, one of my senior 3B students. We talked quite a bit. I told her that Hope was big again in America and there were posters all over America with her name on it. We talked about crops mostly, as she asked me about every crop we had in America, and the crops they had in Uganda. On the most frustrating week in Africa, I hate that God is so obvious in his signs to me. Walking with Hope (really, I can handle some nuance). It was a wonderful conversation. Hope is 16 and I would love to have her pen pal with Rachel Kuehnle and Mary Dang. If you know those 2, tell them to send me their cel phone numbers(on this blog's comments)---I might even try to let you talk to Hope. So if you don't know Hope or Rachel or Mary, listen to me, they are all wonderful young women, who are doing their best to just be friendly, and make the world a better place. And I know a couple of hundred more just like those three.

Hope is on my mind,



Becky Dale said...

Rachel Kuehnle: 314-744-1394
^^she doesn't know I put that there, so I'm going to go inform her now.

Trisha said...

John- It's been great reading your blog. it makes me miss it a lot. Sounds like this year is new and exciting all on it's own (and pretty frustrating). Sorry to hear about your laptop. Hope something good comes of it.
God Bless-